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Skid Row Action Plan Community Design Session 3

Group of SRAP Community Design participants.
Group of SRAP Community Design participants.

On October 19 and 20, 2023, Change Well Project hosted the third community design session to support the development of an implementation strategy for the Skid Row Action Plan (SRAP)—which seeks to increase safety, empowerment, and wellbeing for Skid Row community members through permanent and interim housing and critical supportive services.  

This third gathering allowed participants to continue to build from the August sessions and take a deeper dive into creating the design for the second component that was prioritized in June. Over the course of both days, specific workgroups engaged in ideation and design mapping exercises to continue developing concrete workplans and client paths around the following SRAP recommendations:   

Day 1

Permanent Housing

Interim Housing 

Additional Community Recommendations

Day 2

Harm Reduction Health HUB

24/7 Low Barrier Health Center

Safe Services

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Each group focused on mapping and designing key components for each of the recommendations—and how these will be delivered to and experienced by Skid Row residents. 

T H E  N E X T  S E S S I O N

The final community design session will take place on December 7.  On December 8, we will gather together along with other stakeholders for a Skid Row Action Plan Report Back to finalize this stage. If you would like to share feedback on the Skid Row Action Plan, please feel free

to email us at or click here and submit a feedback form. 

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