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Téo Ortega

Téo Ortega

Senior Consultant

Téo Ortega

Senior Consultant

Born & raised as a 6th generation resident of the Mesilla Valley Region, the ancestral homelands of their father's people - the Piro, Manso, Tigua, and Tortugas Pueblos - what is now referred to as Southern New Mexico.  Lived experience of homelessness, poverty, domestic violence, and the mental and behavioral health system. 

Experienced Director, Program Manager, HUD Technical Assistant, and Consultant working towards making an impact in communities through training, equitable governance structures, program design, technical assistance, system analysis, data maintenance and analysis, human-centered leadership, and needs assessments and evaluation. Committed to creating sustainable changes that center on people with lived experience through authentic, intentional, and conscious inclusion. 

Their heart and passion for the work comes from their belief that restoration happens in a relationship. Reclaiming our connection to intergenerational relationships can support a community's capacity to unite, change, and heal, together.

Previous Experience

Owner & Independent Consultant, Sagrado Strategies LLC
Associate Il - Technical Assistant, Technical Assistance Collaborative
Transitional Living Program Director, Youth Shelters and Family Services
YHDP & Youth Coordinated Entry Program Manager, New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness
Street Outreach & Basic Center Case Manager, Youth Shelters and Family Services

Expertise and Skills

Expertise in innovative community collaboration, HUD and non-HUD funded housing programs, street outreach, youth basic centers, youth and adult low barrier overnight shelter, youth housing solutions and programming, Coordinated Entry, Continuum of Care, rural and reservation homelessness, homelessness systems, LGBTQIA2S programs, governance structures, Tribal partnerships and collaboration, equitable and inclusive decision making, creating new and equitable assessments, project management, and culturally grounded care.

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