Meredith Berkson
Senior Consultant
Meredith Berkson
Senior Consultant
Meredith Berkson (she/her) has spent over 15 years working to end homelessness. She started her career in direct services, as a JusticeCorps member in a Self- Help Eviction Clinic in Oakland and then as a case manager at Glide Foundation’s Drop-In Center. After working abroad in Chile, she returned to direct services at The People Concern’s Access Center and then at PATH, launching and running Coordinated Entry, prevention, problem solving, outreach, housing navigation, rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing programs throughout the 44 cities of South Los Angeles County.
Before working with Change Well Project, Meredith was the Director of Policy, Systems and Planning at the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, and oversaw the Continuum of Care, Coordinated Entry System, and System Improvement, Evaluation and Alignment work. Before joining LAHSA, she consulted with the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative, providing her direct service lens to their policy work. Meredith is passionate about transforming policies, redesigning systems, and supporting communities to end homelessness.
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